Predictable Spell Casting Guiding your users with CSS animations

Martine Dowden

# CSS Animations ## Module Level 3
20 March 2009
```CSS @keyframe name { from: {} to: {} } elem { animation: <animation-name> <animation-duration> <animation-timing-function> <animation-delay> <animation-iteration-count> <animation-iteration-direction> <animation-fill-mode> <animation-play-state>; } ```
# CSS Transitions ## Module Level 3
20 March 2009
``` transition: <property> <duration> <timing-function> <delay>; ```
## Guideline 2.3 Seizures and Physical Reactions ### Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures or physical reactions.



Animated Graphics

## Scalable Vector Graphics ```XML <svg x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 94.5 118.5"> <style type="text/css"> /* Put CSS HERE */ </style> <path class="st1" d="M47.2,10"/> <polygon class="st2" points="58.7,27.5 35.7,27.5 30.7,0 63.7,0"/> </svg> ```

Page Transition


Number Date Name Task
1 2/11/2019 Stegorim Brew Potions
2 3/7/2019 Drekalis Prestidigitation Lab
3 11/17/2018 Guillemette Organize Grimoirs
4 10/19/2018 Ogorim Refresh Protection Spells
5 1/5/2019 Ogorim Tutor Novices

Common Fate

Elements are likely to be perceived as a unit if they move in the same direction.

```css .menuItem { height: 0; overflower: hidden; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out; } .menu.expanded .menuItem { height: 3rem; } ``` ```css transition: all 250ms ease-in-out; ```

Micro Animations

```css button .arrow { transition: all 250ms ease-in-out; } button.expanded .arrow { transform: rotate(-180deg); } ```

Bring Into View



Number Date Name Task
1 2/11/2019 Stegorim Brew Potions
2 3/7/2019 Drekalis Prestidigitation Lab
3 11/17/2018 Guillemette Organize Grimoirs
4 10/19/2018 Ogorim Refresh Protection Spells
5 1/5/2019 Ogorim Tutor Novices



Number Date Name Task
1 2/11/2019 Stegorim Brew Potions
2 3/7/2019 Drekalis Prestidigitation Lab
3 11/17/2018 Guillemette Organize Grimoirs
4 10/19/2018 Ogorim Refresh Protection Spells
5 1/5/2019 Ogorim Tutor Novices
```css .container { position: relative; } .skip-link { position: absolute; top: 1rem; left: -99rem; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out; } .skip-link:focus { left: 1rem; } ```




## Transform Origin ```CSS .animated-element { transform-origin: xPosition yPosition; } ``` ### example ```CSS .modal { transform-origin: 50% 2rem; } ```

Into thin air

The problem with

display: none

a little bit of necromancy

## Making things disappear ```HTML <button>Toggle Spell</button> <div class="modal" id="modal">Revelio</div> ``` ```CSS .modal { transform: scale(0); transition: all 250ms ease-in-out; diplay: none; } .expanded { display: block; transform: scale(1); } ```
## The magic sauce ```CSS .close { transform: scale(0); } ``` ```JavaScript function close() { const modal = document.getElementById('modal'); modal.classList.add('close'); setTimeout(() => { modal.classList.remove('expanded'); modal.classList.remove('close'); }, 249); } ```

State Change



# Animation Timing ## 250ms up to 500ms for more complex animations

Thank You